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Unite social forces to Fight AIDS ‖ World AIDS Day, Stop AIDS with Love

2023-11-28 13:45:30

Stop AIDS with love

World AIDS Day

Mobilize social forces and join forces to fight AIDS

December 1, 2023 is the 36th "World AIDS Day", and the theme of this year's publicity activities is "Uniting social forces, working together to fight AIDS".。The theme closely aligns with the global theme for World AIDS Day 2023: Let Communities Lead.。Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director of UNAIDS, said: "Ending AIDS is possible and we know it。To get on the path to ending AIDS, the world needs community leadership。”。

The 20th report stressed: "Promote the construction of healthy China。The health of the people is an important symbol of national prosperity and national prosperity。We will make ensuring people's health a strategic priority and improve policies to promote people's health。We will innovate mechanisms for coordination and integration of medical and prevention efforts, improve the public health system, improve the capacity for early detection of major epidemics, strengthen the system for prevention and treatment of major epidemics and the capacity for emergency response, and effectively curb the spread of major infectious diseases。We will carry out the Healthy China Campaign and the Patriotic Health Campaign, and advocate a civilized and healthy lifestyle。”

Since 1998, the state has clearly required the organic combination of AIDS prevention education and sexual health education for middle school students。Since then, multi-departments have jointly promoted this work, continuously increased efforts, proposed corresponding safeguard measures, strengthened the systematic implementation of sexual health and AIDS prevention education at the secondary school level, and promoted the implementation of the work。

In 2011, the Ministry of Education and the former Ministry of Health issued the Opinions on Further Strengthening the work of School AIDS Prevention Education, requiring the implementation of various school AIDS prevention education measures, especially the implementation of 6 hours of primary and middle school and 4 hours of high school thematic AIDS prevention education time。In 2012, The General Office of the State Council issued the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan of Action for the Prevention and Control of AIDS in China", proposing to "carry out thematic education on comprehensive AIDS prevention and control knowledge in junior high schools and above, strengthen the construction of teachers, and ensure the implementation of class hours and teaching effects.。”

2019年7月,The General offices of the Ministry of Education and the National Health Commission issued the Notice on Effectively Strengthening the Prevention of AIDS Education in Schools in the New Era,Schools are required to incorporate comprehensive AIDS prevention and control knowledge into educational programs,Ensure that regular secondary schools implement special AIDS prevention education time,Secondary vocational schools should have no less than 1 class hour of lectures on AIDS prevention education every academic year。

The 2019 Implementation Plan for Curbing the Spread of HIV/AIDS (2019-2022) puts forward three strategic measures: First, in terms of content,Regular secondary schools and secondary vocational schools are required to carry out education on sexual morality, sexual responsibility, rejection of unsafe sex and rejection of drugs,Guide students to establish correct sexual concept。The second is in form, the use of school infirmary, psychological counseling room to carry out sexual physiology, sexual psychological counseling services。Third, in terms of target requirements, to ensure the implementation of 6 hours in the middle school section and 4 hours in the high school section of AIDS prevention education time。

In 2020, the Ministry of Education launched the campus anti-AIDS action, requiring "to promote the use of local curriculum, class team activities, etc., to integrate comprehensive AIDS prevention and control education into education plans, strengthen AIDS prevention education in sports and health, biology and other related disciplines", "issue a declaration on campus anti-AIDS prevention and control" and so on。

2021年,The Ministry of Education issued the Notice on Carrying out Health Education Activities with the theme of "Teachers and Students' Health, China's Health" in 2021.,Localities and schools are required to adapt to local characteristics and needs,We will actively develop special courses such as life education and sexual health education,Provision of relevant health education content in local curricula and school-based curricula,Enhancing the effectiveness of sexual health education。

July 13, 2023,Unaids launches 2023 Global AIDS Progress Report in Geneva, Switzerland - The Road to Ending AIDS,The report shows,There are currently 39 million people living with HIV worldwide,Of these, 29.8 million are receiving antiretroviral therapy,There will be 1.3 million new HIV infections in 2022,630,000 people died of AIDS-related illnesses。

The report says there is a clear path to ending AIDS - political commitment and funding。This path will also help prepare for and respond to future pandemics and make progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals。Many countries are forging ahead on this path, and some have already achieved remarkable results。

The report emphasizes that the AIDS response can only succeed with strong political leadership。That means following data, science and evidence;Tackling inequities that hold back progress;Empowering community organizations and civil society to play an important role in the response;Ensure adequate and sustainable funding。

According to the report, the major challenges facing HIV prevention and control are: in 2022, AIDS will claim one life every minute;About 9.2 million people are not receiving treatment, including 660,000 HIV-infected children。Women and girls continue to be disproportionately affected, with nearly a quarter (23%) of new HIV infections occurring in Asia and the Pacific。


Popular science small class

What is AIDS?

AIDS stands for Acquired Immune deficiency syndrome (or acquired immune deficiency syndrome),AIDS for short,Transliterated as AIDS),It is caused by a retrovirus infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV),According to serotype,HIV can be divided into type I (HIV-1) and type II (HIV-2).,Because the immune system is compromised,Becoming the target of many opportunistic diseases,Contribute to a variety of clinical symptoms,Collectively called syndromes,It has the characteristics of rapid transmission, slow onset and high mortality。

History of AIDS

1. On December 1, 1981, in the United States, the world's first case of AIDS was diagnosed。

2, 1982 was officially named "acquired Immune deficiency syndrome"。

3. The first case of HIV was found in China in 1985。

On June 4, 1985, at 4:40 PM, she suffered from a persistent high fever

With breathing difficulties, a 34-year-old man went to Peking Union

Hospital treatment, tested HIV antibody positive

He is an Argentinian American。

How AIDS spreads

1 Blood transmission: is the direct route of infection。It is possible to contract AIDS by injecting blood contaminated with the virus, using syringes contaminated with blood and not strictly sterilized, eyebrow tattooing knives, tooth extraction tools, and needles or other objects contaminated with HIV。

Sexual transmission: It is currently the main route of transmission worldwide (more than 70%), and women are more likely to be infected than men。Both same-sex and heterosexual sexual contact can lead to HIV transmission。

3 Mother-to-child transmission: the infection rate of HIV mother-to-child transmission is about 30%;Infection during pregnancy and childbirth (2/3);Infected during breastfeeding (1/3)。If a mother is HIV-positive, she is more likely to infect her child during pregnancy, childbirth or through breastfeeding。

Symptoms of AIDS

1 Acute infection period: mild fever, general malaise, headache, muscle and joint pain, lymph node enlargement and other symptoms, symptoms of acute infection period last about 3 to 14 days naturally disappear, because the symptoms are mild, similar to a cold, easy to be ignored, 2 to 6 weeks after infection, serum HIV antibody can be positive。

2 Asymptomatic infection period: no symptoms, only body fluids will carry the virus, the incubation time is generally about 2-10 years。

3 Continuous lymph node enlargement stage: manifested as two or more lymph node enlargement in other parts of the body except the inguinal lymph nodes, with flexible texture, no tenderness, and free movement. Lymph nodes generally continue to be enlarged for more than three months without conscious symptoms。

4 AIDS stage: the performance of physical diseases: fever, fatigue discomfort, night sweats, weight loss, anorexia chronic diarrhea, liver and spleen enlargement;Neurological symptoms: headache, epilepsy, lower limb paralysis, progressive dementia and other symptoms。


Answer your little questions

Behavior that does not spread AIDS

1.Food, water, air;

2.General contact in public places;

3.Courtesy, hugs, handshakes;

4.Public toilet, bathtub;

5.Mosquito bites;

6.Paper money, coins, tickets。

Refuse to talk about AiDS-changing, anti-AIDS

Once diagnosed, many AIDS patients feel that they are dirty, began cruel self-censure, they refuse to marry, have children, worry about the discrimination of others, dare not look into the eyes of parents, family members, live a dark life, immersed in grief, but also delayed treatment。

With the promotion of AIDS knowledge, more and more people understand AIDS, and join the team of promoting AIDS knowledge, and constantly transmit AIDS prevention knowledge more accurately to the public, so that AIDS is no longer "demonized".。

In recent years, we have gradually found that the proportion of people living with HIV taking drugs has increased year by year, and the acceptance of AIDS patients and people living with HIV is also improving, no longer talking about Isaacson。

But in fact, AIDS is a disease, not a sin。

Dispel the haze

Spread sunshine

Joint AIDS prevention

You and I are heart to heart

Let the red ribbon fly

Warm the world with love

World AIDS Day

Learn about prevention, eliminate discrimination, and take a look at the knowledge of AIDS prevention!

Heilongjiang Applied Technology School issued an initiative:

1 Take the initiative to learn and master the knowledge of anti-virus and anti-AIDS

AIDS through sexual contact, blood and mother and child transmission of three ways, and HIV infected people or patients in daily life and work contact will not be infected。Sharing syringes intravenous drug use is a high risk behavior of infection and transmission of AIDS, cherish life, stay away from drugs。

2 Develop a good lifestyle

At present, there is no effective vaccine and cure for AIDS, but there are better treatments that can extend life and improve quality of life。Observing sexual morality is the fundamental measure to prevent HIV infection through sexual contact。

3. Care for others, fight AIDS and share health

Voluntary AIDS counseling and testing is an important prevention and control measure for early detection of infected people and patients。Caring for, helping, and not discriminating against HIV-infected people and patients, and encouraging them to participate in AIDS prevention and control work are important measures to control the spread of AIDS。

AIDS is not only a medical problem, but also a social problem。Active prevention of AIDS is the responsibility of the whole society, let us act, work together to prevent AIDS, improve self-protection ability, share health responsibilities, and contribute their own strength to anti-AIDS。

AIDS is not as terrible as imagined

Let us care for life

AIDS free

AIDS prevention and care for AIDS patients


Website of this article:http://a3zr.tincyn.net/news/572.html

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