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Shuangyashan graphic design training school

Post time: 2023-02-28 02:07:35
Shuangyashan graphic design training school

Shuangyashan graphic design training school

Graphic design works appear in front of people mostly through printing, so it is necessary to learn printing knowledge。As a graphic designer to master the pre-press technology, familiar with the printing process, understanding the post-press processing technology will bring endless charm to our design, the design is also good on paper, can be printed out, bring good works to consumers is the hard truth。The above are essential knowledge and ability to learn graphic design, without one, there is no shortcut to design, we only continue to practice and innovation, in order to slowly rise in the temper。

Shuangyashan graphic design training school

Shuangyashan graphic design training school

In the composition of the layout, only by reasonably unifying the form and content and strengthening the overall layout, can we obtain the unique social and artistic value of the layout composition, so as to solve the problem of what to say and how to say the design。Attach importance to the coordination principle of layout, that is, strengthen the layout structure of each layout element in the layout, as well as the correlation of colors。Through the layout, the overall fabric and coordination arrangement between the drawings, the layout presents an orderly and beautiful, orderly and beautiful, so as to achieve better visual effects。The basic requirements of being a graphic designer are: art foundation;Graphic design application course, color, plane composition;Engaged in graphic design work, the technical difficulty of each company requires different grades, the working time is more unstable, the creation speed is required, and the demand for talents is also relatively large。

Shuangyashan graphic design training school

Shuangyashan graphic design training school

Graphic design in addition to the visual to give people a beautiful enjoyment,It is more important to convey a message to a wide range of consumers,An idea,So in graphic design,Not only focus on the surface visual beauty,Think about the message,Graphic design is mainly composed of the following basic elements: creativity: is an element of graphic design,No good ideas,There is no good work,Three conditions of audience, media and cultural background should be considered in creativity。Composition: Composition is to solve the spatial relationship between graphics, color and text, so as to be novel, reasonable and unified。Color: Good graphic design works pay attention to harmony, contrast, balance, rhythm and rhythm in the use of picture color。

Shuangyashan graphic design training school

Shuangyashan graphic design training school

Because it is very demanding for its simplicity, generalization, and perfection, that is, to be perfect, it is difficult to find a better alternative, and its difficulty is far greater than any other graphic design。Packaging design is a more important element of product marketing strategy, packaging is a comprehensive reflection of brand concept, product characteristics, consumer psychology, it directly affects the consumer's desire to buy。As a means to realize the value and use value of commodities, packaging plays an extremely important role in production, circulation, sales, consumption and other fields。VI design, the full name of visual image recognition system design, is divided into corporate image design and brand image design。

Shuangyashan graphic design training school

Shuangyashan graphic design training school

Symmetry: Suppose a vertical line is set in the center of a graph, and the graph is divided into equal left and right parts, and the left and right parts of the graph are exactly equal, which is a symmetric graph。Balance: From the physical understanding refers to the weight relationship, in graphic design refers to the balance of the distribution and visual judgment according to the shape, size, weight, color and material of the image。Proportion: refers to the quantitative relationship between parts and parts, or parts and the whole。Proportion is an important factor that constitutes the size of all units in the design, as well as the arrangement and combination of units。Center of gravity: the center of the picture, that is, the center of gravity of vision, the change of the outline of the picture, the convergence and dispersion of the graph, the distribution of color or light and dark can have an impact on the visual center。

Shuangyashan graphic design training school

Shuangyashan graphic design training school

We have learned many kinds of graphic processing and expression techniques in the three components, such as contrast, analogy, exaggeration, symmetry, primary and secondary, light and shade, variation, repetition, contradiction, radiation, rhythm, thickness, warm and cold, area and other forms。In addition, there are hand-painted effects from the effect of graphic processing, such as oil paintings, pencils, watercolors, prints, crayons, graffiti...There are others such as photography, old photos, and so on。So which one do you want to choose?It depends on your purpose and target group, as well as your level of design。Balance can bring visual and psychological satisfaction, designers to solve the balance of the force field in the picture, the balance of the front and back, the sense of balance is also the ability of designers to composition, balance and imbalance is relative, to meet the theme requirements as the standard。Balance is divided into symmetric balance and asymmetric balance, including the balance of points, lines, surfaces, colors and Spaces。